What Should the Meaning of Life Be if AI Is Taking Over?

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Artificial Intelligence is everywhere.


While most perceive this as humanity’s most sizeable and successful creation, a fraction would beg to differ. Although AI is taking over and making things easier, there are various reasons why it’s not as commemorated as anticipated. In an era surrounded by technology and the internet, why is artificial intelligence receiving apprehension and unease?


People benefit as these mechanisms take a portion of their burden. In fact, this is the primary reason why AI was created. However, like any other matter, it also has downsides and drawbacks created by humans. Without a doubt, artificial intelligence is a powerful tool. Yet, people believe there are aspects of life that algorithms and codes shouldn’t touch.


What Do People Mean by AI Is Taking Over?


When discussing artificial intelligence, the possibility of it dominating human experience becomes second nature.


“AI is taking over” is a sentiment that hits home, looming over people with a sense of dread.


It might well be a creation that’s easy to withdraw if deemed inessential, a tool that can be extracted the moment its risks undermine profit and gain. But given its influence, people themselves would be hesitant to do so. Artificial intelligence presents immediate benefits. It makes creation easier, gives answers faster, and generates products and ideas with more ease.


However, beyond these instantaneous gratifications, there are some ruinous aspects.


Chet Shupe discusses the unrecognized flaw of evolution. The author captures some significant flaws people have failed to consider while developing systems aimed at making life easier. As they’re so headstrong in progress, people overlook how these developments could impact life in the long run. When presented with the beauty of things short-term, any long-term complications are easily overlooked.


When people claim that AI is taking over, have they also considered the possibility of it replacing their positions for the consequential facets of society?

A photo of a futuristic hand working

A photo of a futuristic hand working |Image by freepik 

Will AI Take Over Humanity?


It’s ironic and seemingly impossible, but it’s gradually becoming a reality. AI is taking over, and as it continues to proliferate in society, it has taken a critical spot in its progress and movement. What had been positions filled and managed by humans have been given to these machineries.


It makes work more accessible but takes a fraction of human satisfaction.


After all, what is left for people to claim as theirs?


It might have been their initial choice to make these tools that lighten their tools. But is it in their plans for things to progress until there’s nothing left for them to do, and almost every aspect of society catered to and leans towards artificial intelligence for help?


Although there’s a notable difference between how machines and humans work, this has become fine-drawn and something the world has grown accustomed to.


People have always taken pride in their achievements, their identities commonly revolving around what they’ve done and contributed to society. When defining life’s purpose, most equate it with their accomplishments and the fulfillment of realizing their potential. But with the question of whether AI is taking over, what has become of life and humanity’s meaning?


Has development come to a point where it meddles with the meaning of life?


Is AI a Threat to Humanity?


Is there a possibility that artificial intelligence can become out of control, above replacing them in terms of professional positions and contributions?


It’s like a plot for a could-be blockbuster: technology becomes sentient and a menace, endangering its very creator. While this is literally something out of fantasy movies, will humans eventually realize they’ve created something beyond their control?

A photo of a man working at a futuristic office

A photo of a man working at a futuristic office | Image by freepik

With how the world is progressing and how most facets can be managed and run by AI, this is becoming less and less of a fictional scenario. These machineries have gradually replaced society’s need for human touch. With this, people may have also gradually lost significance in their existence. The prospect of machines completely replacing humans has always existed since they first came to be. It’s a thought that needs extreme pondering.


To answer whether this is a possibility, the short answer (for now) would be no.


While artificial intelligence can do most of what people offer, there still are characteristics and functions of humans that no machine can imitate.


Humanity is More than Efficiency


While artificial intelligence promises efficiency, the human touch can bring so much more than that. They possess creativity, intuition, moral reasoning, and empathy, which are difficult to replicate. The world may claim that AI is taking over all it wants, but this doesn’t mean it can replace humanity altogether, especially since it needs people’s creativity to develop further.


Machines may make things easier, but without people’s help, these creations will begin to appear repetitive and monotonous. They will lack the life that humanity brings and breathes and gradually look lifeless and lackluster, bar of any allure.


Ultimately, the significance of humanity lies in its ability to put life into its creations. They make things come to life with passion, a trait no machine can replicate. While technology will continue to evolve, people will remain essential in shaping it. AI is taking over. But people still have power over it.


If you want to read more about a similar opinion, grab a copy of Chet Shupe’s book!

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