Important Techniques to Find Happiness and Spiritual Freedom

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

We motivate ourselves to wake up, set goals, and deal with challenges to find happiness in our daily journey. But how does one truly find happiness?

Chet Shupe’s Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature talks about how civilization changes and destroys people’s happiness. It serves the author’s points about how people change with modernization and law. The book also provokes the readers’ minds on the “what ifs” and “could’ve been” at the time humans still don’t thrive in modern civilization.

We always find ways to learn how to regain spiritual freedom and find true happiness as we spend our days in a society where so many things are not allowed. We put ourselves in a box as we restrict our own activities, hindering us from reaching our goals.

Because we have been boxed in and left to stress out in our own toxic environment, we look for ways to breathe in positivity and manifest happiness.

Here are techniques to find happiness and spiritual freedom:


The most important person to consider to achieve happiness is YOU. Yes! You must understand that you have to take care of yourself first to achieve the happiness you always wanted. Pamper yourself. Give yourself some time to break free from the stress the world offers you. Treat yourself with things and experiences you always wanted, or look into yourself and give yourself time to get ready for the daily grind.

Rediscover Your Passion

Passion drives an individual to do certain things and achieve their goals on schedule. With this, they get to appreciate every challenge that comes their way, making their way to the goal a memorable experience. Take a moment and try to recall what you always wanted. Find a good hobby that should let your mind be active and engaged. Lastly, if you have not found your passion yet, you can always take a step back and explore things you want to learn for skills. Take some art classes, improv classes, or learn some interesting crafts.


Being happy and regaining spiritual freedom requires a sound mind. Meditate. Finding time for yourself can be a little challenging when you live in modern civilization. However, if you find yourself a time, try clearing your mind and your emotions through meditation for at least a minute or two. Let yourself find the balance and peace to let go of the different stressors that cause you uneasiness.

Write or Share

Regaining spiritual freedom requires you to find time with God. It is, more or less, the same as finding happiness. When emotions try to load up and feel heavy on you, write them down. If you have a strong circle of friends, share what you feel. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with friends through speaking or writing allows you to unload stress.

Give Back

Giving help and happiness to others is also finding happiness in you. Learn to connect with charities and give to the people in need. You can find a lot of organizations that need help from other people. Helping others can also help you regain spiritual freedom as this is also rededicating yourself to God.

Set Goals

Always set goals to achieve. When you wake up every morning, you may write down the things you should finish within the day. This goal-setting will help you find a sense of purpose. Learning to achieve a goal helps you look forward to something. Achieving these goals will make you happy and unburden you of some heavy loads.

Celebrate the Good Times

Celebrate all of the good times, even how little you think they are. Achieving some of your goals will make you feel happy. Celebrate them! A truly happy person knows how to cherish small moments so that setting another goal becomes enjoyable.

Take a Rest

When you feel like you are starting to burn out from work, take a break. You should remember to take a break and give yourself the time to recharge and repurpose your life into a better trajectory. Your 9-5 job will always become stressful the more time you spend in the field. Use your leave credits and de-stress to recharge.

Maintain Your Values

As a person, you have your worth. You have learned some values that took you to your current position. If these values have opened doors for you, never lose them. Other opportunities can come knocking at your door and offer you something better.


Chet is an electronics engineer and an author. At 43, he was diagnosed with severe Attention Deficit Disorder and began his treatment with Ritalin. The experience allowed him to explore and learn more about treating brain dysfunctions.

His background knowledge and theories allow him to find a grasp and foundation to start writing his book, which evolved into something that talks about human happiness.

Finding Spiritual Freedom Amid the Chaos of Civilization

Photo by Ron Lach

In the chaos of modern civilization, finding the truth can be difficult. That’s why the Spiritual Freedom Press suggests introspection and contemplation.

The world is in chaos

To deny that there is pervasive chaos spreading in modern civilization is to deny what can be seen with the eyes and felt with the mind. There are irrevocable troubles within society that stem from the fact that humans have largely cut off their links with the natural world and have begun to reject their innate attributes and roles within the interconnected and interlocking system that is nature. 

Amid the Chaos of Civilization

It is easy to forget all of that with the speed of overpopulation and the intertwining of daily life and technology that can be accessed at the fingertips. Whether it’s the constant cacophony and the rigid traffic of the urban cityscape or the eerie quiet and the listlessness of the rural areas, the whole of humanity is now caught in the grip of the ease and comfort of technology, the endless stream of content and the entire sum of human knowledge that keeps on bombarding every mind from every angle. 

Amid daily routines, relentless overstimulation, and distractions, the obligations of living within the society, achieving spiritual freedom becomes ever more important and crucial to begin the cause of living a fulfilling and meaningful life. For almost everyone, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a sense of peace and place amidst all the chaos. One cannot help but ask themselves if there is still a space for calm. 

Yet, while this is all true and might sound depressing, there are still moments of beauty and connection that are hidden in plain sight or in deliberate softness if you are only willing to go out and look for them. 

There is a state of being out there and within yourself that you can tap into to become free—free from the constraints of ego and the isolation of society and begin to connect with that which is greater than yourself and everything.

Finding Spiritual Freedom

Spiritual freedom can be attained if one searches hard and long enough, but to help you on your way and to better prepare yourself, The Spiritual Freedom Press has prepared this list of daily actions you can do to find spiritual freedom:

  1. Cultivating Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the deliberate practice of being fully aware of the moment and being present in the events that happen around you. When people align their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations with the things that are happening around them, they achieve a semblance of spiritual freedom. This is because mindfulness helps individuals ease themselves into letting go of their arbitrary attachments with the past and future. A mindful person is one who focuses heavily on the present during meditation. Try to find a quiet place to relax, close your eyes and attempt to spread your consciousness over your surroundings. Focus on your breath, and when your mind has wandered far enough, softly take back your breath. Through constant meditation, you will learn how to stay only in the present and not be distracted by superfluous things.
  2. Practicing Gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of eliminating distraction and compelling your mind to hone in on only the positives of life and, consequently, expressing a deep appreciation for them both in your mind and in the physical world, either through thanks or whatnot. Spiritual freedom is anchored on the acknowledgment that there is a subtle karmic connection between everything, which helps individuals focus more on what can be improved than what can be acquired. Take a few minutes every day to be reflective on what good things have happened or what good things can be gained. Jot them all down in a journal, if possible, or take a mental note. It can be quite surprising to learn what makes you actually happy rather than what you think makes you happy.
  3. Practicing Gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of eliminating distraction and compelling your mind to hone in on only the positives of life and, consequently, expressing a deep appreciation for them both in your mind and in the physical world, either through thanks or whatnot. Spiritual freedom is anchored on the acknowledgment that there is a subtle karmic connection between everything, which helps individuals focus more on what can be improved than what can be acquired. Take a few minutes every day to be reflective on what good things have happened or what good things can be gained. Jot them all down in a journal, if possible, or take a mental note. It can be quite surprising to learn what makes you actually happy rather than what you think makes you happy.

For a better understanding of rediscovering human wisdom in this chaotic world, learn more about author Chet Shupe’s class on that very subject. 

10 Key Universal Principles of Spiritual Awakening

Photo by Yuting Gao

The principles of spiritual awakening may differ; each person may experience it differently and in a different time or place. 

Some people can recognize the principles of spiritual awakening because they welcome and embrace this realization into their lives. Enlightenment is overwhelming, and some might fear the changes it brings into a person’s mind. It is not your usual everyday thoughts when you only think about going to work and what you must do. Awakening and waking up are different things. It is realizing and knowing the existence of our inner selves. Our existence is beyond our ego; it is our purpose and place in the universe, the oneness with everything and everyone.

Chet Shupe’s book, “Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature,” was showcased at the 2023 London Book Fair. The book enlightens readers about the origins of human evolution, the impact of civilization, and our disconnection from nature and spirituality. Chet Shupe writes about a civilization on inner peace of Rediscovering the Wisdom. It emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our spiritual essence for true happiness and fulfillment amidst the challenges of modern life.

Spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening refers to a profound shift in consciousness, where individuals experience a heightened sense of self-awareness and a deeper connection with their inner being and the universe. It involves transcending the limitations of the ego and recognizing the interconnectedness of all life. During this transformative process, individuals may undergo profound insights, inner peace, and a sense of purpose beyond the material realm. Spiritual awakening often leads to greater compassion, mindfulness, and a desire for personal growth and understanding of the spiritual aspects of life. It is a journey of self-discovery, awakening to a higher level of consciousness and spiritual truth.

Universal Principles of Spiritual Awakening


The first step towards spiritual awakening is self-awareness. It involves delving deep within, exploring the inner landscape, and recognizing the divine essence within oneself. This realization opens the door to profound growth and understanding. There are some theories regarding the nothingness of self and everything. It is an overwhelming thought, but people who understand the void on a deeper level embrace the view, which makes the idea of death and letting go easier.


Practicing mindfulness involves living in the present moment without judgment. By being fully present, individuals can experience the beauty and richness of life, breaking free from the shackles of the past and worries about the future. If we do not recognize that we are living for today, for every moment, we will wear ourselves out thinking about what we should do tomorrow or what we could have done yesterday.


Gratitude is a powerful spiritual practice that fosters a sense of appreciation for life’s blessings, big and small. It shifts the focus from lack to abundance, cultivating a positive outlook and attracting positivity into one’s life. Appreciating the little things in life is an awakening by thinking more positively. Sometimes we tend to believe that everything is a problem or only see the wrong side of a person. Appreciating our parents and loved ones is a way to embrace spirituality.  


Developing compassion towards oneself and others is a cornerstone of spiritual awakening. By empathizing with the struggles and joys of others, individuals embrace interconnectedness and contribute to a more harmonious world. Later in life, we realize it is not about us, what we want, or how much we earn. This world involves all of us, and we should help each other to be happy. If we constantly complain about the system without helping others, the system will only change if we change ourselves.


Letting go of the need for control and surrendering to the flow of life is liberating. Trusting in a higher power or universal intelligence brings peace and acceptance, even amidst uncertainty. Someone once said that it is not that you only live once; you only die once. It is essential to accept that death is a part of life.


Forgiveness is a transformative act of releasing past hurts and grievances. It frees the heart from bitterness and resentment, paving the way for healing and personal growth.


Recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the universe dismantles the illusion of separateness. This realization leads to a profound unity and reverence for all creation.


Regular meditation practice is a gateway to inner peace and spiritual insights. Through quieting the mind, individuals gain clarity and access to higher levels of consciousness.


Engaging in selfless acts of service and kindness uplifts others and the one who serves. It is a potent way to express love and compassion in action.


Love is the essence of spirituality. Embracing love in all forms – self-love, unconditional love for others, and divine love – nurtures the soul and opens the heart to transformative experiences.