The Natural Selection Process: ‘Survival of The Fittest’

Photo by Max Mishin

Part of being human is to evolve. It is a driving force that influences natural selection. Today, let’s uncover how it has impacted the shape of the present world. 

Natural selection refers to an evolutionary change that gives each creature a chance to thrive according to its assigned habitat. If they are well-suited, they have a better advantage than those thrown into the scene with little to cope with the designated environment. Unfortunately, they will meet a tragic end.

The day Charles Darwin came up with the evolution theory, there was a missing piece he needed to complete the puzzling picture, which was natural selection. It could also be defined as species that gained adaptive traits, which they will eventually pass on to the next generation of species after them. British economist Herbert Spencer initially coined the term ‘survival of the fittest’ concerning Charles Darwin’s theory of natural selection.

Spencer compared it to one of his books as an economic principle. It caught the attention of a wider audience until the phrase was used extensively across various forms, such as the book ‘On the Origin of Species,’ a book still written by Darwin. Unfortunately, when a buzzword gets too popular and overused, the meaning dissolves in the distance; and the context gets misused.

The misconception behind natural selection and survival of the fittest

Don’t you love it when the internet notoriously overuses jargon that doesn’t fit well with what they want to say? Social media has enabled this behavior, and this needs to be redefined once and for all. A lot may say that being the ‘fittest’ automatically means being in the best physical condition to survive in specific environments which aren’t ordinarily adequate for all.

However, it doesn’t pertain entirely to the ones in their best shape with the highest likelihood of survival. Just because the most vital individual survived, they’re not always the best references to human evolution. As we’re pressed to find a more accurate definition, some of us get lost in translation. Darwin didn’t create the theory of development according to who’s healthier and physically stronger.

The evolution of humans to the survival of the fittest

Only the strongest will continue living in a world that doesn’t stay the same over time. Growth plays a dominant role in the transition of beings, including humans. Can we still say the same for humans who did experience it first-hand?

It’s not just the physical aspects of humans that evolved. Even the way of life and cultural aspects became so diverse and distinctive, having access to better basic needs like food, healthcare, and hygiene. They somehow reduced the hazards that past civilizations experienced. These dangers to humanity are perceived as selection pressures that drove humans to do everything they could to stay alive and evolve as we are.

Fixing the misconception that natural selection only spares the healthy

There is little we can do now that the term is stuck in misrepresented ideas. It might be ideal for treading carefully when using the phrase to avoid any misunderstanding and inaccuracy. Especially when discussing both Evolution Theory and natural selection.

Time waits for no one, which also applies to the evolution of beings in general, including humans. A better way to explain it is giraffes inherited their evolved long necks from their ancestors, which gave them leverage that other herbivores lack. Because they have a better food source from above, they can pass it on via reproduction. Creatures with shorter necks have limited food access and are less likely to survive the next millennia.

Natural selection also leans on the reality of this world constantly evolving in the blink of an eye. Along with the natural world changing before us, so did human nature. But we must acknowledge that things may have been different back then, but some remained the same. You can learn more about it in the book ‘Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature’ by Chet Shupe, brought to you by the Spiritual Freedom Press.

Adaptation is essential for organisms to live longer. Otherwise, their genetic mutation can be their downfall, shrinking their population from few to zero. Natural selection has been predicted short term by a few scientists. However, no one has accurately predicted the future outcome because of the fluctuating environmental conditions. Natural selection claims that whoever thrives has a better chance of adapting to their designated environment. And with the rapid changes the world is going through, especially with evolution on the rise, humanity needs to step up and be better at adapting before serious consequences come.

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