Why Modern Society Fears Death: Facing the Inevitable

Modern society fears death because it feels like an hourglass, each grain of sand slipping away, reminding us that time is running out.| Photo by Aron Visuals on Unsplash

Let’s be honest—death is scary. No one likes to think about it, yet it’s something we all have to face eventually. It’s inevitable. Modern society fears death more than ever, going to great lengths to delay, ignore, or even deny it. Unlike past generations, who openly accepted death as a natural part of life, today’s world treats it like an enemy to be defeated. But why is that? What makes death so terrifying in modern times? Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature by Chet Shupe touches on a topic revolving around death and how humans evolve through time. It can help you navigate the interesting yet complex dynamics of humans.

5 Reasons Why Modern Society Fears Death

1. The Uncertainty of the Afterlife

What happens after we die? That’s the million-dollar question. In the past, religion provided a comforting answer—heaven, reincarnation, or some kind of spiritual journey. But today, with science leading the conversation, many people are left wondering if death is just… nothing. And that’s a terrifying thought. Modern society fears death because there’s no clear answer, no guarantee of what comes next. The unknown is scary, and without certainty, fear takes over. Some try to find comfort in spirituality, while others avoid thinking about it altogether. But deep down, the fear of what awaits—or doesn’t—remains.

2. The Need for Control

Let’s face it—we like to be in control. With this matter, it’s the other way around. The loss of control scares people. We plan our careers, our relationships, even our weekend schedules. But death? That’s one thing we can’t plan or control. And that’s unsettling. Modern society fears death because it’s unpredictable and inevitable, no matter how hard we try to avoid it. We turn to advanced medicine, strict diets, and endless health trends, all in an attempt to extend life. But deep down, we know the truth—death will come eventually, and that lack of control is hard to accept. This fear leads people to chase longevity, even though immortality remains impossible.


3. The Fear of Pain and Suffering

It’s not just death itself that scares people—it’s how they might die. No one wants to suffer. Modern society fears death because we’ve seen the reality of long, painful illnesses, hospital stays, and dependence on machines. With people living longer but not necessarily healthier, the thought of a slow, painful decline can be just as terrifying as death itself. This fear fuels discussions about euthanasia, quality of life, and how we can make dying a more dignified experience. Many people hope for a peaceful, painless passing, but since we don’t get to choose, the fear of suffering lingers.

4. The Pressure to “Live Fully”

“Live your best life!” “Make every moment count!” Sound familiar? Society constantly pushes us to achieve, experience, and leave a legacy. Modern society fears death because it feels like a deadline—one that comes too soon for many. Social media doesn’t help, constantly reminding us of other people’s successes, travels, and bucket lists. The pressure to “make life count” can be overwhelming, leaving many wondering, “Have I done enough?” Instead of appreciating the present, we get caught up in the fear of running out of time. This leads to anxiety rather than fulfillment, making death seem even more tragic.


Traveling to their dream places is one of the best ways to live fully.
Traveling to their dream places is one of the best ways to live fully. | Photo by Ong Cheng Zheng on Unsplash

5. Death is No Longer a Part of Daily Life

Think about it—how often do we actually witness death? In the past, people saw it firsthand in their homes and communities. Now, it happens behind closed doors, in hospitals and funeral homes, far removed from daily life. Modern society fears death because it’s become distant, almost unreal. We don’t talk about it, we don’t see it, and when we do, it feels shocking. By keeping death hidden, we’ve made it even scarier, turning it into something unknown rather than a natural part of life. Without exposure, people struggle to process death, making it harder to accept when it happens.

Changing the Way We See Death

It’s clear that modern society fears death for many reasons—uncertainty, lack of control, pain, pressure, and how disconnected we are from it. These fears shape how we live, influencing everything from our daily choices to our long-term goals. But the more we avoid talking about death, the more powerful that fear becomes.

Maybe the key isn’t avoiding death but learning to accept it. Instead of fearing the inevitable, we can focus on making the most of the time we have. Yes, modern society fears death, but perhaps by embracing it as a natural part of life, we can truly start living. Do you want to know more about this kind of topic or its likes? Grab a copy of Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature by Chet Shupe. Get it now by clicking here!


The Bitter Truths About Human Nature We Must Know

Photo by Nina Uhlikova

We humans like to think of ourselves as noble creatures striving toward progress and enlightenment.

We build cities that scrape the clouds, invent machines that mimic our minds, and paint portraits of a future bathed in romantic light. Yet, beneath the gleaming surface of civilization lurks a darker truth, a set of realities about human nature that sting like salt rubbed into a wound. 

In Chet Shupe’s book on uncovering human nature, insights, and literatureRediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature, he delves into the intricacies of human behavior caused by civilization’s destruction of happiness. The book offers profound insights that resonate with the bitter truths we will explore. 

Moving on, let’s peel back the layers of our existence and confront the bitter truths that make us who we are.

Self-Interest Wins, Often

Despite appearances of kindness and teamwork, a basic instinct for self-survival quietly influences us. The idea of the “tragedy of the commons” isn’t just a theory; we see it in action every day, like using up Earth’s resources or focusing on personal gain rather than the common good.

While some people do selfless things, they’re often rare, like flickering candles in a big cave of self-interest.

We are Biased Beasts

Our brains have built-in shortcuts, called heuristics, to help us make quick decisions. However, these shortcuts can often lead us in the wrong direction. Confirmation bias is one such tendency, subtly favoring information that aligns with our beliefs while ignoring conflicting evidence.

We often get trapped by the sunk cost fallacy, holding onto failing pursuits simply because we’ve invested time or resources in them. Tribalism simplifies the world into clear-cut divisions, casting “us” as the virtuous heroes and “them” as the villainous outsiders.

While these biases may be hard to accept, they are deeply embedded in how our minds naturally operate.

Envy’s Green Glare

We may preach about contentment, but beneath the surface, a venomous serpent coils – envy. We often feel unhappy when others have something we don’t—a neighbor’s new car, a colleague’s promotion, a friend’s happy relationship.

Constantly comparing ourselves steals our joy and replaces it with bitterness and resentment. This envy might be a leftover instinct from our past, where competition for resources and mates was crucial for survival.

Power’s Corrosive Touch

Give someone a bit of control, and you’ll see them change. They might become arrogant instead of humble, indifferent instead of caring. Power is like a strong potion – it can make people lose touch with reality and feel they deserve special treatment.

Throughout history, there are many examples of good leaders becoming cruel tyrants, showing how power can really mess with people’s behavior.

The Paradox of Mortality

In our journey, we strive and dream amidst the shadow of our impermanence. The awareness of our mortality can be a bitter brew, causing existential dread and a search for meaning in a seemingly meaningless universe.

However, this awareness can also be the spark that ignites our passion, urging us to make the most of our fleeting existence. 

Mortality may also destroy human happiness, just like civilization does, as explained in Chet Shupe’s book on uncovering human nature, insights, and literature, Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature. 

But Wait, There’s Hope! 

These bitter truths, while uncomfortable, are not pronouncements of doom. Recognizing our darker tendencies is the first step towards transcending them. Embrace the reality of the human journey—it’s not a fairy tale but a trek through challenges. By acknowledging these bitter truths, we discover our resilience and the potential for greatness.

If you’re intrigued by this exploration, Chet Shupe’s book on 0uncovering human nature, insights, and literature, Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature, is a must-read. Also, check out our blog about humanity’s desire for growth to delve more into human nature. 

Tips To Be Aware Of Following Social Conformity

Photo by Carlie Wright

How everyone behaves might be a product of society. Every individual is given the right to decide, be sure that you practice and exercise it so as not to fall on the cons of social conventionality.

Conformity is a social influence that changes a person’s behavior or beliefs to fit in with a distinct group. This change happens as a counter to either imagined or real pressure and expectations from the group. It may involve the force of societal norms, the physical presence of other people, or a general aspiration to gain a specific level of success.

Social norms are the behaviors that are expected from people as a community. They play a prominent role in everyday life that people do not realize. Social norms give people an expected behavior of how to act in a specific situation and what is appropriate and inappropriate in different settings.

Moreover, people’s behavior changes as the individual become more attracted to a group they need to belong to; this is known as conformity. Consequently, this can make an individual feel pressured to change their beliefs to the groups, even if they do not believe in them themselves. However, not everyone is attracted to the same group or is as easily persuaded. Fulfilling the needs of someone in authority can portray an individual as submissive and obedient. This power can influence specific behavior as those in charge are seen as more intelligent and therefore are listened to. In more particular behaviors like drug use or alcohol consumption, group peer pressures can be responsible for this behavior. Family and friends are essential when considering the social norms one would follow and the decisions one makes. Conformity is a change in a person’s beliefs and behavior which can affect human behavior.


These are the cons of social conformity that are essential to review.

1. It hampers personal progress. The company, a person, chooses to keep becomes a direct reflection of the success they’re able to achieve. If you surround yourself with positive influences, your desire for conformity will create favorable outcomes for you. The opposite occurs if you allow yourself to be covered with negative people. Dire consequences can ruin your chances at success in a variety of ways. 

2. Increases the chances of depression. The fear of being rejected is something that most individuals face at least once in their lives. It builds a feeling that compels you to follow the people you want to have, like you blindly. If you succumb to this pressure, the emotional response in either direction increases the chances of depression forming later in life.

3. Causes one to lose their identity. The actions that groups play some people to make them conform creates a problematic issue because it forces a loss of their identity. Each individual is distinctly different from every other. 

4. It often leads to apathy. The desire for conformity on a personal level often builds a group apathy that becomes prevalent in society. The individuals who try to conform often feel like they can do the same things the groups they observe do now. When they can gain that success, they look to a higher power to handle whatever concerns they feel are impacting their efforts. Blind trust always creates problems in society. It also generates feelings where people decide that issues are not their problems. They agreed that everyone else should handle the situation and pressure others just as their preferred groups placed it on them.

Chet Shupe, an author of the book, “Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature—How Civilization Destroys Happiness,” hopes it will inspire a reawakening to one’s inborn wisdom; this is Nature’s map of life, which civilized life ignores, to one’s grave detriment. Regaining humanity’s natural sense of order, purpose, and belonging cannot be forced. It will result from one’s recognition that the only access to the wisdom of one’s soul is the feelings everyone experiences in light of one’s present circumstances. Feelings inspired by one’s concerns about the imagined future, on the other hand, dissociate everyone from the wisdom of one’s soul, the souls of those around us, and, most ominously, from the experience of being alive to the moment. When forced by externally imposed laws that repress our feelings of the moment out of concern for our future well-being, we are not living. We are marking time.

  • As you live, you must remember that there are other people, organisms, and Nature. Humanity should consider that everyone is affecting every individual and everything. So when you interact, think of how you affect everyone and everything that surrounds you.