A Roadmap to Self-Discovery: Unlocking Hidden Potential

Photo by Tabea Schimpf on Unsplash

Human nature wisdom for self-discovery involves unlocking hidden potential within an individual. 

The journey of self-discovery is an intricate process that requires individuals to delve deep into their inner selves, explore their thoughts and emotions, and gain a profound understanding of their values and beliefs. It involves a continuous effort of self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and exploring one’s passions to gain clarity on what truly drives them. 

As one sets meaningful goals, one must also embrace the challenges that come their way, learn from their failures, and use those lessons to grow and evolve. Spiritual Freedom Press by Chet Shupe delves into human nature wisdom for self-discovery. It enables us to understand the concept of human nature and will be of great enlightenment in finding our path to self-discovery. 

The pursuit of self-discovery and unlocking hidden potential is a lifelong process, but the rewards of finding oneself and living a life aligned with one’s true self are immeasurable.

What Is Self-Discovery?

Self-discovery is a personal journey of exploring and uncovering one’s own identity, values, beliefs, and emotions. It involves taking the time to reflect on one’s experiences and understanding how they have shaped who you are today. 

Through self-discovery, one can gain a clearer understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, their passions and purpose, and ultimately, their true self. It is a continuous process of learning and growth that can lead to greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a more fulfilling life.

What Is a Hidden Potential?

A hidden potential is a special ability everyone possesses that has not yet been awakened due to personal troubles. It is attained through self-discovery so that individuals can better understand themselves.

Ways to Unlock Your Hidden Potential

  • Don’t come out of your bubble. Instead, pop the bubble.

People are ingrained in having their own personal bubbles where they can hide and find comfort. The thing is, this personal bubble or comfort zone is a human construct that limits us from unlocking hidden potential. Because of this, we sort of have clouded doubts that bombard us, completely scaring us off from starting our path to self-discovery. 

Establishing a so-called bubble for people is tolerating them to ignore opportunities to grow and become a better individual. This bubble is a cage that holds us captive from what more we can possibly do as capable beings. 

  • Devour the idea that learning never stops.

There are times when we think we have learned enough, but the truth is, it gets even more exciting when we realize it never stops. Continuously learning from various situations can guide us to gain wisdom. Learning itself is a process that adds up to an individual’s potential. 

Learning also means accepting the fact that we are not always right. We have to accept feedback from more experienced individuals who help us discover and learn more about ourselves.

In every experience we encounter, we obtain the key to unlocking our hidden potential.

  • Don’t limit yourself because of fear.

Fear is known to consume us in situations that are new to us. 

I hate to break it to you, but staying in the void of comfort and repeated cycle of pursuits will hinder you from growth. In order to unlock your hidden potential, you must consider partaking in a different pursuit you have never dove into yet. Trying something new is a stepping stone to self-discovery. From the word itself, it is discovering yourself through trying out new ventures. 

Fear can consume us if we let it. However, we must remember that we are in control of our minds and can choose how we respond to fear. We can either allow it to take over and corrupt us, or we can choose to fight back and rid ourselves of its grip.

The Significance of Self-Awareness in Self-Discovery

In order for us to live a happier and more fulfilling life, we must prepare our maps for a journey to self-discovery. Self-discovery connects with self-awareness because being sufficiently aware of oneself allows us access to influence outcomes. 

Self-awareness helps us with our journey to self-discovery, and self-discovery leads us to attain our hidden potential, making it not so hidden anymore.

To accompany you with this journey toward human nature wisdom for self-discovery, grab your own copy of Chet Shupe’s book Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature today.

Important Techniques to Find Happiness and Spiritual Freedom

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

We motivate ourselves to wake up, set goals, and deal with challenges to find happiness in our daily journey. But how does one truly find happiness?

Chet Shupe’s Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature talks about how civilization changes and destroys people’s happiness. It serves the author’s points about how people change with modernization and law. The book also provokes the readers’ minds on the “what ifs” and “could’ve been” at the time humans still don’t thrive in modern civilization.

We always find ways to learn how to regain spiritual freedom and find true happiness as we spend our days in a society where so many things are not allowed. We put ourselves in a box as we restrict our own activities, hindering us from reaching our goals.

Because we have been boxed in and left to stress out in our own toxic environment, we look for ways to breathe in positivity and manifest happiness.

Here are techniques to find happiness and spiritual freedom:


The most important person to consider to achieve happiness is YOU. Yes! You must understand that you have to take care of yourself first to achieve the happiness you always wanted. Pamper yourself. Give yourself some time to break free from the stress the world offers you. Treat yourself with things and experiences you always wanted, or look into yourself and give yourself time to get ready for the daily grind.

Rediscover Your Passion

Passion drives an individual to do certain things and achieve their goals on schedule. With this, they get to appreciate every challenge that comes their way, making their way to the goal a memorable experience. Take a moment and try to recall what you always wanted. Find a good hobby that should let your mind be active and engaged. Lastly, if you have not found your passion yet, you can always take a step back and explore things you want to learn for skills. Take some art classes, improv classes, or learn some interesting crafts.


Being happy and regaining spiritual freedom requires a sound mind. Meditate. Finding time for yourself can be a little challenging when you live in modern civilization. However, if you find yourself a time, try clearing your mind and your emotions through meditation for at least a minute or two. Let yourself find the balance and peace to let go of the different stressors that cause you uneasiness.

Write or Share

Regaining spiritual freedom requires you to find time with God. It is, more or less, the same as finding happiness. When emotions try to load up and feel heavy on you, write them down. If you have a strong circle of friends, share what you feel. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with friends through speaking or writing allows you to unload stress.

Give Back

Giving help and happiness to others is also finding happiness in you. Learn to connect with charities and give to the people in need. You can find a lot of organizations that need help from other people. Helping others can also help you regain spiritual freedom as this is also rededicating yourself to God.

Set Goals

Always set goals to achieve. When you wake up every morning, you may write down the things you should finish within the day. This goal-setting will help you find a sense of purpose. Learning to achieve a goal helps you look forward to something. Achieving these goals will make you happy and unburden you of some heavy loads.

Celebrate the Good Times

Celebrate all of the good times, even how little you think they are. Achieving some of your goals will make you feel happy. Celebrate them! A truly happy person knows how to cherish small moments so that setting another goal becomes enjoyable.

Take a Rest

When you feel like you are starting to burn out from work, take a break. You should remember to take a break and give yourself the time to recharge and repurpose your life into a better trajectory. Your 9-5 job will always become stressful the more time you spend in the field. Use your leave credits and de-stress to recharge.

Maintain Your Values

As a person, you have your worth. You have learned some values that took you to your current position. If these values have opened doors for you, never lose them. Other opportunities can come knocking at your door and offer you something better.


Chet is an electronics engineer and an author. At 43, he was diagnosed with severe Attention Deficit Disorder and began his treatment with Ritalin. The experience allowed him to explore and learn more about treating brain dysfunctions.

His background knowledge and theories allow him to find a grasp and foundation to start writing his book, which evolved into something that talks about human happiness.

10 Key Universal Principles of Spiritual Awakening

Photo by Yuting Gao

The principles of spiritual awakening may differ; each person may experience it differently and in a different time or place. 

Some people can recognize the principles of spiritual awakening because they welcome and embrace this realization into their lives. Enlightenment is overwhelming, and some might fear the changes it brings into a person’s mind. It is not your usual everyday thoughts when you only think about going to work and what you must do. Awakening and waking up are different things. It is realizing and knowing the existence of our inner selves. Our existence is beyond our ego; it is our purpose and place in the universe, the oneness with everything and everyone.

Chet Shupe’s book, “Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature,” was showcased at the 2023 London Book Fair. The book enlightens readers about the origins of human evolution, the impact of civilization, and our disconnection from nature and spirituality. Chet Shupe writes about a civilization on inner peace of Rediscovering the Wisdom. It emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our spiritual essence for true happiness and fulfillment amidst the challenges of modern life.

Spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening refers to a profound shift in consciousness, where individuals experience a heightened sense of self-awareness and a deeper connection with their inner being and the universe. It involves transcending the limitations of the ego and recognizing the interconnectedness of all life. During this transformative process, individuals may undergo profound insights, inner peace, and a sense of purpose beyond the material realm. Spiritual awakening often leads to greater compassion, mindfulness, and a desire for personal growth and understanding of the spiritual aspects of life. It is a journey of self-discovery, awakening to a higher level of consciousness and spiritual truth.

Universal Principles of Spiritual Awakening


The first step towards spiritual awakening is self-awareness. It involves delving deep within, exploring the inner landscape, and recognizing the divine essence within oneself. This realization opens the door to profound growth and understanding. There are some theories regarding the nothingness of self and everything. It is an overwhelming thought, but people who understand the void on a deeper level embrace the view, which makes the idea of death and letting go easier.


Practicing mindfulness involves living in the present moment without judgment. By being fully present, individuals can experience the beauty and richness of life, breaking free from the shackles of the past and worries about the future. If we do not recognize that we are living for today, for every moment, we will wear ourselves out thinking about what we should do tomorrow or what we could have done yesterday.


Gratitude is a powerful spiritual practice that fosters a sense of appreciation for life’s blessings, big and small. It shifts the focus from lack to abundance, cultivating a positive outlook and attracting positivity into one’s life. Appreciating the little things in life is an awakening by thinking more positively. Sometimes we tend to believe that everything is a problem or only see the wrong side of a person. Appreciating our parents and loved ones is a way to embrace spirituality.  


Developing compassion towards oneself and others is a cornerstone of spiritual awakening. By empathizing with the struggles and joys of others, individuals embrace interconnectedness and contribute to a more harmonious world. Later in life, we realize it is not about us, what we want, or how much we earn. This world involves all of us, and we should help each other to be happy. If we constantly complain about the system without helping others, the system will only change if we change ourselves.


Letting go of the need for control and surrendering to the flow of life is liberating. Trusting in a higher power or universal intelligence brings peace and acceptance, even amidst uncertainty. Someone once said that it is not that you only live once; you only die once. It is essential to accept that death is a part of life.


Forgiveness is a transformative act of releasing past hurts and grievances. It frees the heart from bitterness and resentment, paving the way for healing and personal growth.


Recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the universe dismantles the illusion of separateness. This realization leads to a profound unity and reverence for all creation.


Regular meditation practice is a gateway to inner peace and spiritual insights. Through quieting the mind, individuals gain clarity and access to higher levels of consciousness.


Engaging in selfless acts of service and kindness uplifts others and the one who serves. It is a potent way to express love and compassion in action.


Love is the essence of spirituality. Embracing love in all forms – self-love, unconditional love for others, and divine love – nurtures the soul and opens the heart to transformative experiences.

The Complexities of Humanity’s Desire for Growth

Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash

Where does humanity’s desire indeed lie? With how society is progressing, have humans attained what they need for satisfaction? Or have they veered far from true happiness?

The world is immensely different now than how it was, say, five or ten years ago. Society has continuously sought and achieved developments, working to advance technologies and communities in hopes of easing and improving people’s lives. But if one stops to look around, even just a moment, are lives significantly better? Or have people desired to achieve more than they can handle, biting off more than they can chew?

Regarding the discussion of humanity’s desire, nothing comes before happiness. It’s the pinnacle of human needs, which they constantly aim to appease and look for in every endeavor. Whatever they do, they hope the result gives them happiness and contentment. However, the longer they seek it, the more they get confused about what genuinely provides it. This happiness gets lost in translation, blurred by the numerous opportunities and resources provided by society.


The Happiness Encompassing Humanity’s Desire

In the book by Chet Shupe entitled Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness, the author established that humanity’s desire for survival has always been connected with happiness. Humans don’t only need to survive; they must also find happiness. However, humans have mistakenly sought this in knowledge, mistaking satisfaction for happiness.

They believe that happiness is found in the success of their developments and technology, that they’re happier when buildings become taller machinery eases work, or when the latest gadgets drop one after the other. However, Chet Shupe defines this as a misconception, believing none convey the true definition of happiness. This might as well be a satisfaction to see the result of people’s hard work, but it’s not genuine happiness.

Throughout this journey of constantly developing and advancing as a civilization, people have forgone to fulfill humanity’s desire. Instead, they’ve repressed how they genuinely feel in exchange for this false sense of survival and happiness.

It’s no question that technology has made lives better. Things have become easier to handle and more accessible due to the continuous advancements in society. Technology has made resources accessible to people from all walks of life. But in doing so, they might have overlooked that development is making life progressively faster, forcing people to juggle tasks and peace. Although technology has inexplicably improved society, it has made people forget what truly matters.


It’s Not in Knowledge That People Thrive in Happiness

These developments brought about by accumulated knowledge may have helped people secure material needs. But it doesn’t fulfill what they genuinely want. Regardless of how efficient life has become because of machines and technology, it won’t be half as fulfilling without connection.

Humans are social beings. It’s in humanity’s desire, their emotional heritage, to seek comfort and contentment in emotional connections. They may be blinded in feeling satisfaction through societal developments. But they will only achieve genuine happiness through deep emotional intimacy. Material developments and abundance might have aided their survival, but connection and intimate interaction with each other lead them to survival and happiness.

This connection would be easy to satisfy if people don’t have other needs. However, civilization and its laws enclose people’s decisions, reshaping what people should enjoy.

In today’s civilization, happiness occupies the lowest bar for humanity’s desire. With the need for success, landing high-paying careers is typically prioritized regardless of whether they provide happiness. Instead of seeking fulfillment in emotional connection, they’re left to find gratification elsewhere. This is where accumulating knowledge and the satisfaction derived from continuous societal development come in.

Although they don’t provide genuine happiness, people constantly seek them out because, for the very least, they’re a stand-in for the connection they can’t proactively seek.


Love and Happiness in the Wrong Places

This misplaced humanity’s desire for advanced knowledge doesn’t contribute to what truly matters. People shouldn’t seek progress but rather real contentment through happiness and experiencing love. The more they believe that happiness can be found in this progressiveness, the more humanity’s desire becomes insatiable, always seeking more.

People’s growing love for knowledge has made them less after true wisdom, which would make their lives flourish more. Instead of development and progression, love and experience are the primary elements to help achieve balance and harmony in the world. They’re what people need to survive longer and live happier lives. People aren’t drowning because of a lack of resources but because they’re spending their energy and time on the wrong priorities. Humans didn’t evolve because of civilization. They grew because of the community and connection they’ve built with each other.

Avoiding Pain and Stunting Emotional Growth

Photo by Engin Akyurt

How is it possible that the more we try to avoid pain, the more it hurts? Why should we stop running from it when it’s one thing we want to steer clear of?

You might have experienced being at the lowest point of your life for the past few years. Those moments make you question your life in general. What more could be lacking, even for people with everything they need?

There are moments when we hit a level of vulnerability we’ve never experienced. We feel like a failure even though waves of happiness can be felt from time to time. This causes us to look for more ways to alleviate the pain. But the emptiness will catch up to us even if we try new things like getting a new job, new partner, new hobbies, etc.

If you’re caught up in a situation like that, rediscovering the wisdom of human nature and our spiritual freedom can be suitable for people who have constantly been running from their fears. While avoiding pain may be great, it won’t go away soon. And the insightful honesty of Chet Shupe’s book fits just like that. The Spiritual Freedom Press can guide you in navigating the fearsome path of life. Avoiding pain is only temporary, but it’s not the only solution.

How long must we keep avoiding pain?

In all honesty, no one knows. Everyone struggles with pain, and reactions often vary depending on the gravity of the situation. There’s not enough wisdom to singlehandedly take the pain away from us. Time won’t fly, making us paralyzed by it. So if one asks that question, the answers would vary and won’t make sense.

It’s also natural for humans to seek pleasure to avoid pain. No one likes to carry on with an aching heart. This instinct is hard-wired into our subconscious, and we are shaped around it. Undeniably, we are all inclined toward safety rather than confronting the hurt. However, moving along a path with the least resistance will get us nowhere. It even comes with worse consequences.

What do we learn from pain?

All of us want to grow at some point. But we intentionally forget that pain is part of growth and the catalyst of change. Without experiencing it, we fail to learn what matters most, eventually destroying our happiness. We won’t be as capable and enduring in the long run. Humans are conditioned to avoid pain; confronting it sometimes feels like an unfamiliar concept.

Our thoughts are often full of wanting everything to be enough. If only we achieve that in all aspects, we believe life can be pain-free. The problems we’re trying to escape from would still pop up somewhere else, most likely on a slippery slope. By continuing the same path, we develop a relationship with avoidance. It makes us alienated from the world the more we side with it.

Numbing the terrible pain is understandable. But our ultimate survival lies in our choice to face the pain head-on. Our troubles resemble dark clouds – circling and hovering as it follows us. We can only swat it off when we learn to develop tolerance. That’s because there are excruciating moments that we have to live with for a lifetime.

Lessons from a cruel fate of avoiding pain

It’s never easy to let ourselves be vulnerable and feel the pain. Despite being transitory, the hurtful moments in our lives can be a turning point that changes us entirely. We become different from what we used to be, affecting our relationships and potential for growth. Looking for our old selves will take us an indefinite amount of time, and most likely, we’re still trying to find it. So it’s okay. You’re not wrong for enduring that long, especially when you felt alone or lonely the whole time.

Cruel is the pain that has legs that can run and wings that fly towards us wherever we go. When going through it, there’s a feeling that there won’t be any help. After all, the world has taught us that it’s every man for himself. Our judgment gets clouded when our world splits down the middle, making it hard to find closure. All those wounds won’t be stitched up anytime soon.

We can run, but here’s the catch: avoiding pain never meant that we could hide. And so we run from the things that cause us more hurt. Avoiding pain also means circling in the middle of nowhere until we think we feel nothing anymore. However, not making it go away leads to more ruin. Not even the typical distractions can help long-term. By exerting effort to confront our pain, there lies the strength that’s been hiding the whole time.

Learning the Origins of Our Misery | A Class with Chet Shupe

The origins of our misery lie in civilization itself

Photo by Alexandre P. Junior

Join author Chet Shupe as he talks about the pitfalls of civilization and the urgent need for humanity to rediscover the wisdom of human nature.

Despite the evident advancements in society and technology, a good chunk of the human population still lives miserable and unhappy lives. Have you ever wondered why that is? Why is it that in an age of unprecedented wealth and resources, people still remain poor? Why is it that when medical solutions are at their most accessible, plenty of people still die of sickness? Why is it that when there is more than enough food to feed the world, people still die of hunger? 

Why, in this time of instant communication, are people still as lonely as ever?

It’s because there is a fundamental divide inherent in human civilization. It is a contradiction that stems from the fact that civilization is antithetical to our original human nature, a nature rooted in the emotional core we call the soul.

The Pitfalls of Civilization

The basis for a natural human community is the intimacy of interdependent relationships. But modern society, with its pervasive authorities and arcane rules, has caused even family relationships, like the one between parent and child, to take on a transactional and reactive nature. Values and virtues such as altruism and selflessness have been replaced with self-interest and opportunism. This twisting of traditional perspectives further isolates individuals, and promotes egotism as the only means of survival and success.

Modern people still believe that civilization has been quite beneficial to the human species. Yet its rapid growth and expansion reveal that there are unwieldy seams in its fabric–and they are very close to tearing apart and dragging everyone down.

Everywhere, humanity is chafing under the oppressiveness of an ever-growing body of laws, while also becoming extremely vulnerable, without them. This is the intrinsically paradoxical nature of the current paradigm. Humanity is akin to an animal in a cage. Though there is a freedom of movement, inside the cage, it’s obvious that there is very little food for the soul. 

The Origins of Our Misery

While the advent of civilization provided humanity with more and more opportunities, the continuation of civilization, itself, has become its primary goal, not human contentment. This might not look terrible, at first glance, because we grow up accepting our suffering as normal, even as we live “lives of quiet desperation.”

As it strives to maintain the appearance of order, civilization creates iron-clad conditions that keep people alienated from each other. There is no room, in modern society, for the intimate and trusting engagement that all human souls once took for granted. The alienation of modern society eliminates the potential for self-knowledge, as well as deeper relationships among individuals and groups. In other words, modern society long ago ceased to be beneficial for the human soul. It exists only to maintain the appearance of order, an order that seems, relentlessly, to be breaking down.

Though it largely remains hidden, the mindlessness of the overarching framework of civilization cannot be unseen, once seen, as it utterly ignores and represses the elemental wisdom that each individual is born with. Thus, we are denied access to our inner knowledge, the wisdom of our souls—evolution’s most precious gift.

Humanity’s reliance and dependence on artificially constructed hierarchies has resulted in widespread, insidious social isolation that most can’t even tell is happening. People are increasingly cheated out of experiencing life’s meaning, and the contentment that results from participating in its process. 

Want to Learn More About the Origins of Our Misery?

Chet Shupe speaks authentically of the urgency for people to reconnect with their inner natures, and with humanity’s natural heritage—the freedom to be ourselves that is available only in the presence of true community. As an author and philosopher, he provides a unique perspective that reveals the incompatibility between civil and natural order.

Join him in a once-in-a-lifetime interactive space, as he engages with listeners and readers. In this class, he discusses how living a fulfilling life requires relying on our instinctive wisdom for purpose and direction, and not the contrived systems of modern society.

Using passages from his book, Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature—How Civilization Destroys Happiness, as the basis for discussion, Shupe builds upon his ideas, and expands them, further. Through engaging discussions, he explains what humanity has lost, since the establishment of civilization.

Plenty of people are looking for concrete solutions, but the liberation of the human soul isn’t possible, given our present circumstances.  Hence, Shupe does not endeavor to provide a framework for living a better life, within the current paradigm. Rather, Shupe seeks to reveal the true nature of the natural human way of life. He wants to share with others his view about what life would be like, if humans were to shed the pretenses of civilization, and emotionally engage with one another, through interdependent relationships, as Nature intended.

This class by Chet Shupe offers a new view that defines the natural human way of life that brings human beings inner peace, by satisfying the needs of our souls—a way of life that, to realize, requires a very new, yet ancient and soul-felt perspective on what life is about:

From the perspective of the human soul, life is not about your or my survival. It’s about the survival of life, itself. Spiritual fulfillment is Nature’s reward for serving life. All rewards for serving self are superficial, thus temporal—their source is our imaginations, not the human soul. 

Book Feature: Chet Shupe On The Wisdom Of Human Nature

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi

Did humanity make a colossal mistake when it decided to evolve from how it once was? Chet Shupe takes on how human nature has changed and developed over time in his book “Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature.”

No one can pinpoint the exact turnaround that led to humanity’s road to evolution. From primitive beings who only lived by instinct and discovered the simple joys of igniting a fire for the first time. Old folks would say, “Life was way simpler back then.”

What would life be like if humans had not created and imposed the intricacies of communication called language? How would we go on about our day if we weren’t required to be functional members of society, working our backs off capitalism?

Chet Shupe’s book emphasizes living in the present, erasing all traces of anxiety. The book also describes how language changed everything and manifested into a monotonous lifestyle we cannot escape.

The price of evolution

As history depicted, early primitive humans didn’t have specific rules and systems to follow. They go along with whatever life in nature has to offer. Food and shelter were the only basic needs that even we modern-day people prioritize.

There needs to be proof of when the interest in the future began. Still, after humans gained knowledge and used it to their advantage, that’s where civilization rose at the cost of blood and several other tragedies.

Human transformation collectively manifested in several ways – from the carvings of cave dwellers to the early civilization in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt. These civilizations became a catastrophe to the once carefree way of life, creating law and order. Along with that concept comes the price of disregarding such rules, such as the concept of “punishment.”

Literature and language were gifts that enabled man to walk the Earth and become intellectually superior to all other creations of the Earth. However, it came with various negative attributes like exploitation and greed. Those things led humanity into a series of disasters, whether natural, economic, or psychosocial.

How humans led themselves to the road of worry

Ever since man learned to read and write, we’ve had an unpleasant relationship with the future as we tend to look down on people who don’t have a clear and decided lot; and people who choose to live in the moment are often viewed with disdain.

The idea of not being able to plan for what’s to come and not guaranteeing tomorrow became one of the worst fears known to humans.

Untangling the thread of worrying about the future

It will take a lifetime for some people to unlearn the rigid structures set by society. The abilities we gained after being gifted with language may have given us ways to safeguard ourselves for the long term.

However, that’s not what we were primarily designed to live. Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature by Chet Shupe shows us how the rise of civilization over time destroys happiness. It delves deep into detail about how the covert idea of future stability and security makes life lose all its meaning.

With progress came destruction, and it doesn’t have to pertain to the inevitable “end of the world .” It can mean the constant weight of anxiety, loneliness, and desperation. These things can make people search for endless ways to be happy.

The human evolution from learning the basics of language may have increased our capacity to do many things. At the same time, it degraded our emotional intelligence and ability to have empathy. Living in the moment induces anxiety for many of us since we were groomed to think that if we don’t prepare now, we’ll be sorry later.

Chet Shupe: author and whistle-blower

Chet Shupe, out of the urgency to look into people’s connection and true nature, was born out of unity. The author goes on a journey to rediscover the wisdom of beauty and the knowledge of humanity. After suffering from Attention Deficit Disorder, Shupe lived a life of hardship and went through treatments.

Despite what happened to him, Chet Shupe thought that life made sense somehow. Due to his extraordinary experience, he began writing about medical treatments for the brain. Chet Shupe realized while writing about brain dysfunction, and he discovered that there’s also a long-running cultural dysfunction.

As a result, he tackled the intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and psychosocial aspects of how humans used their intelligence to their advantage, but at the expense of simple joys. The constant pursuit of happiness became the author’s main objective in this book.