Change as a Constant: How Has Human Nature Changed?

a photo of cave paintings showing human nature changed

a photo of archaeological cave paintings | Image by freepik


“Change is the only constant in the world.”


This cliché has long drawn persisting support from people due to its truthful and apparent nature. Change is everywhere, occurring evidently from people’s point of view. Nothing ever stays unchanging, whether it’s day turning to night or traffic coming and going. From these observations and the presumption that change is the only constant, how has human nature changed?


The world constantly experiences progress and development.

People grow and step out from their current standpoint. Almost everything undergoes change in some form, and nothing stays the same as time passes.
Is this enough of a basis to conclude that human nature also experiences such shifts?


Is Human Nature Changing?


Such a question doubtlessly arises whenever people dabble in the concept of change. And perhaps, there will always be debates as to whether this happens. There’s no denying the changes people undergo. It’s evident in how their features have adapted through time and how appearances change as years go by.


However, when it comes to the human psyche, the core of their essence, the nitty gritty of their existence, has human nature changed, or is it largely undisturbed?


Many philosophers, scientists, and artists – the world’s largest minds – have prompted and deduced the indifference within human nature. Regardless of the period, people have yearned for the same things, fought for similar matters, and have been displeased by relative affairs. Human nature has acted relatively familiar over centuries. They’ve always been comprised of right and wrong, light and dark, balancing between beauty, love, and pain.


A portrait of a person

A portrait of a person | Image by freepik

Hence, there’s no wonder why the question of whether human nature changed has always been under scrutiny and divided opinions.


How Has Human Nature Changed?


Author Chet Shupe has highlighted this inquiry in his book Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature. The author thoroughly discusses what he believes has shifted in how humans think and behave over time. He tackles the ever-growing perspectives as the world progresses and people are exposed to more varying concepts and systems.


In breaking these elements down, he has supported how human nature changed but prompted the idea that perhaps certain changes are against what’s supposed to happen. The book speaks urgently about rediscovering authenticity in human nature, recognizing the numerous shifts that civilization and people have brought upon themselves.


Biological Evolution


If the question were considered at a physical-level assessment, there would be a long list of points to discuss. People have constantly undergone change since time immemorial. With evolution in the picture, human nature changed in overall body and brain size, as well as reduction in proportions, as a response to ever-changing climates and lifestyles.


This factor also supports how humans have developed physical diversity over time, with the growing differences in their places of residence. While changes have gradually become miniscule, it’s undoubted how physical characteristics have continued to evolve.


Cultural Development


Much about how human nature changed over time can be attributed to how culture has also shifted. It must be remembered that the cultural and environmental background people are born into shapes their perspectives and behaviors about the world. Hence, as societies become more complex, human nature may experience the same complexities.


Cultural changes heavily influence people’s expression and how they manage their thoughts and emotions. This weighs into how they behave, impacting the knowledge they consume and the beliefs they adhere to.


Psychological Changes


When perceived as a much deeper affair, there may be more complex answers to whether human nature changed. This can still be open to argument, given certain traits remaining universal within humanity, such as their regard for each other or desire for connection. However, shifts in their psychological foundations also support the belief in humans’ ever-changing nature.


A photo of a person in front of different sceneries

A photo of a person in front of different sceneries | Image by freepik

This comes with the cultural shifts the world is experiencing. With more access to information and education, humans work on a significantly different cognitive framework compared to the past. They have utilized various approaches when interacting with each other and have improved how they express themselves. Without a doubt, a slight change in communities brings more significant changes in human nature.


Technological Impact


There’s no denying how technology has influenced people’s lifestyles. While many might think this has only affected people’s routines, technology has changed more of the human essence. It has transformed how people interact, altering how they communicate and the social dynamics they’ve long established.


With the accessibility of technology, people have also been introduced to more information and knowledge, influencing how they think and engage with those around them.


Values and Ethics


Human nature changed societal values as people adhere to the changes in their culture.


Depending on the period they’re in, movements for equality and measures of human rights face gradual shifts to accommodate the ever-evolving times. This posits how people commonly absorb ethics and morality depending on how they’re taught or exposed to them.


These and more are examples of how human nature changed over time. As the world continues to embrace progress and development, who’s to say people won’t continue to adjust their beliefs and preferences according to the times they’re in?


If you’re interested in reading more about how human nature has changed according to the words of Chet Shupe, grab a copy of his book Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature.

Materialism Affects Happiness: What This Means to Humanity

Image by freepik

People are self-serving. This doesn’t necessarily mean everybody is inherently and fundamentally selfish. Rather, it is a natural manifestation of how people are self-interested utility maximizers. They seek to do things that benefit them, a characteristic that helps them survive and thrive in life.


Regardless of how everyone desires to belong and can be naturally inclined to please others because of this, they still tend to prioritize themselves over everything else. There’s nothing wrong with this character. After all, the behavior of finding personal satisfaction and making sure personal happiness is sought comes with the natural result of thriving.


However, there comes a point when individualism and satisfaction-chasing become more detrimental than beneficial. There’s also a side where materialism affects happiness.


The System Eating Humanity Inside Out


In his book Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature and in his essays, Chet Shupe discusses materialism and how it pulls humanity away from authentic satisfaction. He highlights how civilization and people’s constant desire to enhance their lives have driven them toward madness.


In hopes of satiating their desire for happiness, people have led their lives away from it.


Chet Shupe firmly believes and has written about how civilization has crippled humanity. Such has existed to serve a contradictory purpose. But its aspects, such as technology and materialism, have pulled people away from the best parts of themselves. His sentiments illustrate how evolution has led humanity astray, away from what they ought to do and truly seek to have.


In a way, Chet Shupe supports the ideology that macro-forces of evolution, such as materialism, affect happiness and what this means to humanity.


 Is humanity truly driving itself to madness with how it’s drawn its path toward improvement?

A photo showing people lining up outside buildings

A photo showing people lining up outside buildings | Image by freepik

The belief that materialism affects happiness is reasonable. How it’s made to become a cycle of uncontrollable desires is an expected result. After all, the more people seek, the deeper their desire becomes until it bottoms out to unsatiable grounds. Humanity’s perception of it, where their happiness lies and what they need to fulfill it, is what’s made this detrimental cycle exist.


Why Did Materialism Fail to Result in Happiness?


If it satisfies people’s needs and demands, why doesn’t it lead to happiness? Instead, materialism leads to unhappier people, who become worse than those around them.


Defined as a value that preoccupies people with possessions and a social image they uphold and hold dear to themselves, materialism affects happiness as it’s socially and self-destructive. It smashes their happiness and peace of mind as they’re riddled with anxiety and broken relationships due to desires they’re unable to quench. There has been a proven correlation between unhappiness and materialism. However, recently, the latter has also been found to be connected to a lack of empathy and social relationships.


There are a number of other factors this concept is linked to, and none of these are ever positive or beneficial to individuals. With their inability to find what truly satisfies their happiness, these people rely on materials and temporary outlets of joy. They’ll never arrive at what really makes them happy. Instead, they settle with what they can physically flaunt.


People are trapped in the shallow sense of happiness derived from materialism. It’s intoxicating. The pleasure they get from piled-up receipts and emptied-out boxes is momentarily insurmountable, they fail to see the endless cycle they’ve succumbed to. Materialism affects happiness by equating it to money-grubbing affairs instead of what truly matters.


Materialism Affects Happiness, Distorting What This Truly Means

A photo of a lonely woman standing beside a store aisle

A photo of a lonely woman standing beside a store aisle | Image by freepik

Materialism clutters life. It gives people too much of everything, an influx of stimuli that distracts them from what they should be focused on. In a life where people are being fed consumeristic views, there’s a new materialistic craze now and then, and people are often shamed when they’re unable to comply. Materialism affects happiness in a worrying manner.


It sucks genuineness from humanity, reducing it to worldly desires and shallow means of connection. Instead of abiding by its dangerous rules and superficial notions of contentment, people should dig deeper. As humanity is created with a purpose beyond mundane routines and pleasures, they should learn to look into themselves and seek what true happiness means.


It’s not about what to buy and which new trend to ride. It’s more than the accumulation of things and likes. Instead, it’s about life’s experiences, heartwarming moments, and boisterous laughter.


Happiness isn’t about looking forward to the next purchase and additions on shelves. Instead, it’s discovering what truly matters: a more genuine and lasting sense of fulfillment and contentment. It’s seeking authentic relationships with people around, not with materials and replaceable things.


Humanity is meant to adhere to its moral values and not fall prey to the dangers of the material world. It’s meant to maintain relationships with others and prosper in life through authentic connections, not with an isolated sense of satisfaction. Hence, to be happy means appreciating life’s richness that goes beyond worldly materials. It’s about seeking more meaningful journeys and living with purpose.


If you’re interested in reading more about how Chet Shupe defines humanity’s journey toward improvement, read more of his book Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature.

Breaking Free from Civilization’s Grip: A New Perspective

Image by Med Ahabchane from Pixabay

Civilization’s grip entails society’s influence and control, shaping beliefs, values, norms, and practices and impacting structures, systems, the economy, technology, and culture. Most anxieties and irritations are not our own, but we can free ourselves from civilization’s grip and see the world from a new perspective.

In the modern, fast-paced world, it’s easy to become immersed in the hectic nature of daily life and be affected by civilization’s grip. From the constant barrage of notifications to the pressure to always be connected, it’s no wonder that many of us feel overwhelmed and stressed. Spiritual Freedom Press offers a treasure trove of texts illuminating the path to liberation.

It’s important to remember that situations are not purely positive or negative. Even sources of joy can bring about suffering, as seen in romantic love. Conversely, what we see as negative experiences can lead to growth and may not be entirely unfavorable. Civilization mirrors this mix of positive and negative aspects, necessitating an objective analysis of its patterns, principles, developments, and impacts. This assessment helps determine if continuing on the current path is beneficial or if a change in direction is needed.

Let’s delve into this thought-provoking topic of reclaiming our peace of mind by freeing ourselves from civilization’s grip and exploring a new perspective.

The Illusion of Control in Civilization’s Grip

One of our biggest misconceptions about our lives is that we control everything that happens to us. We obsess over details, try to predict the future and micromanage every aspect of our existence. But the truth is that much of what we worry about is beyond our control and become stressed from civilization’s grip. Traffic jams, delayed flights, or even the weather are all external factors we cannot change. By acknowledging this lack of power, we can shift our focus from the uncontrollable to the things we can influence.

Comparison is the Thief of Joy

Falling into the comparison trap takes a lot of work. We constantly measure our success, happiness, and self-worth against others, often leading to feelings of inadequacy and discontent. But here’s the thing: everyone’s journey is to measure yourself against others, like comparing two completely different things. Instead of fixating on what others have or achieve, focus on your path and celebrate your progress, no matter how small it may seem.

Embracing Imperfection

Perfection is a concept that plagues many of us. We strive for flawlessness in our work, relationships, and appearance. But the reality is that perfection is an impossible goal. Embracing imperfection allows us to be more sensitive towards ourselves and others. It’s okay to make mistakes, to have bad days, and not to have it all figured out. Life is messy, and that’s what makes it beautiful. In this journey, the Spiritual Freedom Press shines like a beacon of light, offering a sanctuary for the weary souls seeking solace and enlightenment and freeing us from civilization’s grip.

Disconnect to Reconnect from Civilization’s Grip

In a world where being online 24/7 is the norm, taking a step back from technology can be a game-changer. Unplugging from the digital noise allows us to reconnect with ourselves, nature, and the present moment. Whether going for a walk in the park, contemplating, or simply enjoying a cup of tea without distractions, carving out moments of stillness can bring clarity and peace to our hectic lives.

Rediscovering What Truly Matters

As we navigate the complexities of modern life, it’s essential to pause and reflect on what truly matters to us. Is it career success, material possessions, or societal approval? Or is it the simple joys of spending time with loved ones, pursuing our passions, and being true to ourselves? We can live a more fulfilling and authentic life by reevaluating our priorities and letting go of societal expectations.

Final Thoughts

Breaking free from civilization’s grip is not about abandoning society or living as a hermit in the woods. It’s about reclaiming our autonomy, finding inner peace, and living in alignment with our values. By questioning the norms and expectations surrounding us, we can cultivate a new perspective on modern life and choose a path that resonates with our hearts. So, let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery, embrace the uncertainties, and break free from the chains that bind us.

To learn more about Chet Shupe and his book, grab a copy of his book Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature.

A Roadmap to Self-Discovery: Unlocking Hidden Potential

Photo by Tabea Schimpf on Unsplash

Human nature wisdom for self-discovery involves unlocking hidden potential within an individual. 

The journey of self-discovery is an intricate process that requires individuals to delve deep into their inner selves, explore their thoughts and emotions, and gain a profound understanding of their values and beliefs. It involves a continuous effort of self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and exploring one’s passions to gain clarity on what truly drives them. 

As one sets meaningful goals, one must also embrace the challenges that come their way, learn from their failures, and use those lessons to grow and evolve. Spiritual Freedom Press by Chet Shupe delves into human nature wisdom for self-discovery. It enables us to understand the concept of human nature and will be of great enlightenment in finding our path to self-discovery. 

The pursuit of self-discovery and unlocking hidden potential is a lifelong process, but the rewards of finding oneself and living a life aligned with one’s true self are immeasurable.

What Is Self-Discovery?

Self-discovery is a personal journey of exploring and uncovering one’s own identity, values, beliefs, and emotions. It involves taking the time to reflect on one’s experiences and understanding how they have shaped who you are today. 

Through self-discovery, one can gain a clearer understanding of their strengths and weaknesses, their passions and purpose, and ultimately, their true self. It is a continuous process of learning and growth that can lead to greater self-awareness, self-acceptance, and a more fulfilling life.

What Is a Hidden Potential?

A hidden potential is a special ability everyone possesses that has not yet been awakened due to personal troubles. It is attained through self-discovery so that individuals can better understand themselves.

Ways to Unlock Your Hidden Potential

  • Don’t come out of your bubble. Instead, pop the bubble.

People are ingrained in having their own personal bubbles where they can hide and find comfort. The thing is, this personal bubble or comfort zone is a human construct that limits us from unlocking hidden potential. Because of this, we sort of have clouded doubts that bombard us, completely scaring us off from starting our path to self-discovery. 

Establishing a so-called bubble for people is tolerating them to ignore opportunities to grow and become a better individual. This bubble is a cage that holds us captive from what more we can possibly do as capable beings. 

  • Devour the idea that learning never stops.

There are times when we think we have learned enough, but the truth is, it gets even more exciting when we realize it never stops. Continuously learning from various situations can guide us to gain wisdom. Learning itself is a process that adds up to an individual’s potential. 

Learning also means accepting the fact that we are not always right. We have to accept feedback from more experienced individuals who help us discover and learn more about ourselves.

In every experience we encounter, we obtain the key to unlocking our hidden potential.

  • Don’t limit yourself because of fear.

Fear is known to consume us in situations that are new to us. 

I hate to break it to you, but staying in the void of comfort and repeated cycle of pursuits will hinder you from growth. In order to unlock your hidden potential, you must consider partaking in a different pursuit you have never dove into yet. Trying something new is a stepping stone to self-discovery. From the word itself, it is discovering yourself through trying out new ventures. 

Fear can consume us if we let it. However, we must remember that we are in control of our minds and can choose how we respond to fear. We can either allow it to take over and corrupt us, or we can choose to fight back and rid ourselves of its grip.

The Significance of Self-Awareness in Self-Discovery

In order for us to live a happier and more fulfilling life, we must prepare our maps for a journey to self-discovery. Self-discovery connects with self-awareness because being sufficiently aware of oneself allows us access to influence outcomes. 

Self-awareness helps us with our journey to self-discovery, and self-discovery leads us to attain our hidden potential, making it not so hidden anymore.

To accompany you with this journey toward human nature wisdom for self-discovery, grab your own copy of Chet Shupe’s book Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature today.

The Complexity of Humans: Questioning the Quality of Life

Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

Have you ever come across a point where you question the quality of life you currently have? 

The human psyche is a multifaceted and intricate construct akin to a vast and unexplored ocean. Within this endless expanse, numerous problems emerge from our inherent complexity as humans. Whether it’s the tangled web of our thoughts or the overwhelming fear of uncertainty, the complexity of simply contemplating the future can damage our natural way of living, disrupting the harmony of our existence.

Evolution has programmed humans to strive for control and predictability. However, this belief that we can eradicate all uncertainties from life is a fundamental flaw. In reality, life is full of unpredictability, and it is this very unpredictability that creates the harmony and balance of life. By rejecting this truth, we risk disrupting the balance that has been established through millions of years of evolution.

In today’s fast-paced world, achieving contentment seems like an elusive goal for many of us, and it can have a profound impact on our overall quality of life. This begs the question: is the intricate nature of human beings an overlooked blemish in evolution? Could the complexity of our minds and emotions have inadvertently hindered our ability to find peace and happiness in our lives? Could it be the unrecognized flaw of evolution?

Chet Shupe’s Spiritual Freedom Press delves deeper into the essence of human nature and the unrecognized flaw of evolution. Spiritual Freedom Press offers a fresh perspective on the complexities of human existence, combining personal work, philosophical insights, and practical advice that will challenge readers to question their beliefs and explore new ways of thinking about their own spiritual journey. 

Through Chet Shupe’s unique perspective, readers will gain a deeper understanding of the intricacies of human life and the world we live in. His work is a thought-provoking ride that encourages readers to re-examine their beliefs and discover new possibilities for personal growth and spiritual development.

Being Emotionally Free: What Does It Mean?

It’s important to recognize that our emotional state can significantly impact our overall quality of life. However, being emotionally free doesn’t mean that we should suppress or eliminate our emotions entirely. After all, emotions are a fundamental aspect of what makes us human. True emotional freedom means serving life and supporting and trusting each other in the way that nature intended us to. 

Unfortunately, our society often creates artificial rules and laws that force us to behave in ways unaligned with our true nature. By breaking free from these constraints, we can allow ourselves to experience the full range of human emotions and connect with others in a more authentic way. 

Having emotional freedom enables us to handle life’s difficulties with ease, establish profound connections with others, and discover joy and satisfaction in our daily experiences. Emotional freedom allows us to express ourselves authentically and embrace our feelings in a healthy and constructive manner. It enables us to cultivate a positive outlook towards life and fosters the development of resilience and emotional intelligence. Achieving emotional freedom may require some effort and introspection, but the rewards are immeasurable, and it can lead to a more fulfilling and enriching life.

So, if you’re feeling stuck or constrained by the rules and expectations of society, consider embracing your emotions and allowing yourself to be emotionally free.

Live in the Moment

The unrecognized flaw of evolution reminds us of the importance of being present at the moment and using every opportunity to enhance the survival of our species. We can achieve this by staying true to ourselves and being in touch with our innate feelings, which have been ingrained in us through the course of evolution. Rather than trying to control the natural world, we must embrace our role as active participants in the ongoing process of life. By doing so, we can help ensure the long-term sustainability of our planet and all the living beings that inhabit it.

We encourage you to explore the author’s website at for a wealth of profound and enlightening knowledge on attaining spiritual freedom. It offers resources, including articles, videos, and essays that can help deepen your understanding of spiritual practices and enhance your spiritual journey. Take advantage of this invaluable opportunity to expand your consciousness and connect with your inner self. Visit the website today and start your journey towards spiritual freedom.

A Closer Look into The Modern Epidemic of Unhappiness

Photo by Julia Joppien on Unsplash

In recent years, one might expect happiness to be more attainable than ever. That might also not be the case after all.

Paradoxically, modern society has witnessed the rise of an epidemic of unhappiness. Despite our progress, many people grapple with discontent and a downward spiral. Moreover, they often experience stress and a pervasive emptiness that not even wealth can fill.

The epidemic of unhappiness is what Spiritual Freedom Press tackles. When rediscovering the wisdom of human nature becomes difficult, we can look back on Chet Shupe’s book. Especially when we learn how civilization destroys happiness by replacing the intangible things humans need to survive. Because the modern unhappiness epidemic contributes to the imbalance of our well-being, we must examine its underlying causes.


The Underlying Causes of This Modern Epidemic of Unhappiness

With social media and constant exposure to curated lifestyles, the illusion of perfection permeates people’s hearts and minds. As it becomes a pervasive idea in society, comparing our lives to carefully crafted online personas can lead to feelings of inadequacy and unhappiness. Recognizing the superficiality of these comparisons and embracing self-acceptance can help break free from this cycle.

Modern civilization has also brought about a disconnection from nature and authentic experiences. The fast-paced lifestyle, reliance on technology, and urbanization have distanced us from the natural world. Moreover, the pursuit of success often leads to an unhealthy work-life imbalance. Long work hours, constant connectivity, and the pressure to achieve can result in burnout and a diminished sense of happiness.


The Disease of Consumerism and Materialism

Modern society often equates happiness with material wealth and the accumulation of possessions. However, it creates a never-ending cycle of desire, leading to dissatisfaction and unhappiness. Shifting our focus towards experiences, relationships, and gratitude can foster a more sustainable and fulfilling sense of happiness.

Moreover, many struggle to find meaning and purpose in this unhappiness epidemic. Because humans are notoriously terrible at making decisions, we fail to see our sense of purpose. Our obsession with ‘having it all’ becomes a disease that figuratively consumes our souls.

Consumerism and materialism can be understood as part of the epidemic of unhappiness. They are societal conditions or mindsets in which the acquisition of material goods is given excessive importance. Eventually, they become primary sources of personal fulfillment and identity. The disease of consumerism and materialism is characterized by an insatiable desire for possessions. It also boils down to the belief that our self-worth is tied to the accumulation of material things.


The Prevalence of the Epidemic of Unhappiness

As the lack of genuine happiness becomes prevalent in society, it had many effects on people, communities, and society. Prolonged feelings of dissatisfaction, stress, and discontent can lead to anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Moreover, the constant striving for happiness without achieving it can create a sense of hopelessness and despair.

The unhappiness epidemic can also spiral into a series of consequences from individuals up to the larger collective. At this point, finding spiritual freedom amid the chaos of civilization enables us to rediscover the wisdom of human nature. Modern civilization is not necessarily the catalyst for destroying happiness.


The Reality of Being Unhappy in This Day and Age

While our experience of unhappiness is unique, some common factors contribute to the epidemic of despair in modern society. For example, there’s often the pressure to conform to societal norms and expectations. It could be for appearances, success, or lifestyle. This unnecessary pressure can make us feel like we’re not enough and induce self-doubt. Ultimately, we believe in our hearts that we will always fall short of these standards.

Moreover, despite technological advancements that connect people globally, it drove us further to disconnection. We need to maintain our tangible relationships and dissociate from the ones we should care about. Because of this, traditional support systems like family, friends, and communities have weakened in many societies. This lack of social cohesion and support can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and unhappiness.

May we always remember to look beyond the material possessions that modern civilization has pushed into our minds. And ultimately, we should practice believing that the unhappiness epidemic is curable by rediscovering what it means to be human. Moreover, our collective mindset regarding the material things we obsessively consume has to be reassessed. That ensures we can still care for our well-being and work towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

The Human and Nature Relationship Is Vital to Our Growth

man overlooking mountains human and nature relationship

Photo by Tobias Tullius

The human and nature relationship should not be disregarded if we aim to reconnect with the human nature that has become buried deep within us in this day and age.

Chet Supe, author of Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature: How Civilization Destroys Happiness, is focused on helping others reconnect with the human nature inside them. Believe it or not, civilization is actually destroying our happiness. For us to live happily once more, we must get in touch with our human nature.

Now, connecting with nature doesn’t directly tap into the nature inside humans. However, it does help make the process of tapping into it more conducive. With that in mind, let’s look at the relationship between nature and humans.


Nature and Humanity’s Intrinsic Connection With Each Other

There is an intrinsic connection between humans and nature that is deeply embedded in our being. It’s a symbiotic and intricate bond that’s been naturally shaped for millions of years via evolution.

Being highly intelligent creatures, humans have established advanced technologies and sophisticated cultures. However, our survival ultimately remains tangled with our natural world. Deny it as much as we want; we need nature to keep on living.


The Impact Nature Has and Our Dependence on It

We are already aware that nature provides us with natural resources. Things like air, food, water, and raw materials (e.g., wood, metals, stone, etc.) are all available to us. Each of these resources isn’t just essential for our survival. They also serve as the foundations for the basis of the economic systems we have.

But, our reliance on nature’s gifts has resulted in some terribly substantial environmental impacts. Climate change, deforestation, and pollution are all direct consequences of our actions. These effects threaten the stability of every ecosystem on Earth, along with the abundance of biodiversity on this planet.

While Chet Supe‘s book doesn’t explicitly focus on the link between nature and man, he does want to help us reconnect with ourselves. After all, the human-nature relationship and its impact on health is needed to reconnect with our human nature on our own.


Respecting the Virtue We Have Forgotten Throughout the Years

Back in ancient times, humans have been known to revere nature. Historically, numerous ancient cultures were worshipping deities of nature, and they respected the sky, land, and sea. The respect they had came from their understanding of humanity’s dependence on nature.

They understood that there was a balance between humanity and nature. Ancient civilizations also did their best to maintain this harmonious relationship. But then, as humans advanced, bringing in the industrialization and modernization age, our respect for nature gradually faded and forgotten.

Our view of nature also changed from being a partner we loved and respected into something more of an object—a resource—to be exploited.


Humanity Loses Its Relationship and Connection With Nature

Nowadays, most humans have lost their instinctive human and nature relationship.

Humans are in a unique position. We have the power to positively impact our planet. People can participate in utilizing clean energy, volunteering to protect endangered species and ecosystems, and planting trees in reforestation efforts.

Sadly, we also have the power to cause great damage through destroying natural habitats, overpopulation, and pollution. These acts only lead to climate change, which will cause more damage to our planet.

Ultimately, our loss of connection to nature and ourselves causes us to do things that only damage everything around us, including ourselves.


The Value of Nature in Our Human Lives

Nature’s value in human life is something that we shouldn’t underestimate. As mentioned before, nature gives us food, which we eventually enhance. We developed agricultural sustenance, improving life because we no longer had to rely on gathering and hunting food.

The medicines that we currently use also come from nature. Medicines have prolonged our lives by eradicating certain illnesses and curing dangerous ailments.

Nature has also taught us about our place on this planet and the real value of nature.


Human and Nature Relationship: Let’s Do Our Best to Connect With Ourselves and Nature

Whether we like it or not, nature will always play a vital role in our lives. Since that’s the case, we should focus on getting in touch with our human nature to give love and respect back to nature and ourselves.

Grab a copy of Chet Supe‘s book today to learn how to reconnect with your human nature. Check out some of our other blogs as well, and learn the origins of our misery to successfully overcome them!

The Uniqueness of Human Consciousness: A Window into Our Humanity

The human consciousness looking out at the window.

Photo by Norbert Kundrak on Unsplash

With all our complexities and flaws, human consciousness is still a fascinating work in progress worth looking into. 

Human consciousness is deeply entwined with the creation and transmission of culture. We develop symbolic systems, such as religion, mythology, and cultural practices, to make sense of our world and give meaning to our lives. Moreover, these systems vary across cultures and provide unique windows into the diversity of human consciousness.

The uniqueness of human consciousness is a topic of great philosophical, scientific, and cultural interest. It is a complex and multifaceted subject that encompasses questions about the nature of consciousness, its origins, and what it means for us as individuals and as a species.

Discussing human consciousness’s significance may raise lots of doubt and curiosity. Moreover, you can learn more about it in the book “Spiritual Freedom Press” by Chet Shupe. Rediscovering the wisdom of human nature is a lifelong journey, and readers will learn how human nature affects the flow of civilization over time. 

A Window to The Bigger Picture of Life

Throughout history, human consciousness has given rise to cultural narratives, myths, and stories that reflect a society’s understanding of life’s bigger picture. Moreover, these narratives often incorporate moral, ethical, and existential themes that help individuals and communities make sense of the world and their role within it.

Let’s look at the critical points of how our consciousness opens a window to our lives:


One of the hallmarks of human consciousness is self-awareness. Humans can reflect on their thoughts, emotions, and experiences, leading to a deep sense of self. Moreover, this self-awareness allows us to contemplate our existence, make moral and ethical judgments, and set goals for the future. Self-awareness is closely linked to empathy, as understanding our own emotions and experiences can lead to a greater capacity to understand and empathize with the feelings of others. Furthermore, this is essential for building meaningful relationships and fostering compassion.

Language and Communication

Human consciousness is intimately tied to our ability to communicate complex language. Language allows us to express our thoughts, share our experiences, and convey abstract ideas. Furthermore, it also enables us to engage in storytelling, a fundamental way we make sense of the world and our place in it.

Abstract Thinking of the Human Consciousness

Humans have the capacity for abstract thinking, which means we can contemplate concepts that are not tied to concrete, physical objects. This ability underpins our mathematics, philosophy, art, and science capacity. Moreover, we can ponder questions about the nature of reality, the meaning of life, and the existence of abstract entities like numbers and concepts.

Imagination and Creativity

Human consciousness is marked by the ability to imagine and create. Moreover, we can envision alternate realities, generate new ideas, and produce art, literature, music, and technology. Our ability to innovate and create is closely linked to our unique form of consciousness. Additionally, human imagination has contributed to our ability to adapt and thrive in various environments. It has led to the development of tools, shelter, and social structures that enhance our survival and quality of life.

Emotions and Empathy by Human Consciousness

Humans experience many emotions, from joy and love to sadness and anger. Our consciousness allows us not only to feel these emotions but also to understand and empathize with the feelings of others. This capacity for empathy and emotional connection plays a crucial role in our social interactions and relationships.

Morality and Ethics

Human consciousness enables us to contemplate questions of right and wrong, leading to the development of moral and ethical systems. We can engage in moral reasoning, make ethical decisions, and hold ourselves and others accountable for our actions. Furthermore, humans’ sense of morality and consciousness also led to establishing social constructs that align with ethics.

Cultural and Symbolic Systems Influencing the Human Consciousness

Human consciousness is deeply entwined with the creation and transmission of culture. We develop symbolic systems, such as religion, mythology, and cultural practices, to make sense of our world and give meaning to our lives. Moreover, these systems vary across cultures and provide unique windows into the diversity of human consciousness.

Future Orientation

Human consciousness is future-oriented. We can plan for the future, set goals, and work towards them. This future orientation has led to the development of complex societies, technology, and the ability to shape our environment. Additionally, the future is inherently uncertain, and our consciousness allows us to grapple with this uncertainty. We make predictions, plan for contingencies, and adapt to changing circumstances, products of our future-oriented thinking.

Final Thoughts

The uniqueness of human consciousness is characterized by self-awareness, language, abstract thinking, imagination, emotions, morality, culture, and a forward-looking perspective. These aspects of consciousness are interconnected and define our humanity. Moreover, they allow us to explore, understand, and shape the world around us. They provide a window into the rich tapestry of human experience and existence. Therefore, understanding the uniqueness of human consciousness continues to be a profound and ongoing quest for philosophy and science.

Finding Spiritual Freedom Amid the Chaos of Civilization

Photo by Ron Lach

In the chaos of modern civilization, finding the truth can be difficult. That’s why the Spiritual Freedom Press suggests introspection and contemplation.

The world is in chaos

To deny that there is pervasive chaos spreading in modern civilization is to deny what can be seen with the eyes and felt with the mind. There are irrevocable troubles within society that stem from the fact that humans have largely cut off their links with the natural world and have begun to reject their innate attributes and roles within the interconnected and interlocking system that is nature. 

Amid the Chaos of Civilization

It is easy to forget all of that with the speed of overpopulation and the intertwining of daily life and technology that can be accessed at the fingertips. Whether it’s the constant cacophony and the rigid traffic of the urban cityscape or the eerie quiet and the listlessness of the rural areas, the whole of humanity is now caught in the grip of the ease and comfort of technology, the endless stream of content and the entire sum of human knowledge that keeps on bombarding every mind from every angle. 

Amid daily routines, relentless overstimulation, and distractions, the obligations of living within the society, achieving spiritual freedom becomes ever more important and crucial to begin the cause of living a fulfilling and meaningful life. For almost everyone, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a sense of peace and place amidst all the chaos. One cannot help but ask themselves if there is still a space for calm. 

Yet, while this is all true and might sound depressing, there are still moments of beauty and connection that are hidden in plain sight or in deliberate softness if you are only willing to go out and look for them. 

There is a state of being out there and within yourself that you can tap into to become free—free from the constraints of ego and the isolation of society and begin to connect with that which is greater than yourself and everything.

Finding Spiritual Freedom

Spiritual freedom can be attained if one searches hard and long enough, but to help you on your way and to better prepare yourself, The Spiritual Freedom Press has prepared this list of daily actions you can do to find spiritual freedom:

  1. Cultivating Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the deliberate practice of being fully aware of the moment and being present in the events that happen around you. When people align their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations with the things that are happening around them, they achieve a semblance of spiritual freedom. This is because mindfulness helps individuals ease themselves into letting go of their arbitrary attachments with the past and future. A mindful person is one who focuses heavily on the present during meditation. Try to find a quiet place to relax, close your eyes and attempt to spread your consciousness over your surroundings. Focus on your breath, and when your mind has wandered far enough, softly take back your breath. Through constant meditation, you will learn how to stay only in the present and not be distracted by superfluous things.
  2. Practicing Gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of eliminating distraction and compelling your mind to hone in on only the positives of life and, consequently, expressing a deep appreciation for them both in your mind and in the physical world, either through thanks or whatnot. Spiritual freedom is anchored on the acknowledgment that there is a subtle karmic connection between everything, which helps individuals focus more on what can be improved than what can be acquired. Take a few minutes every day to be reflective on what good things have happened or what good things can be gained. Jot them all down in a journal, if possible, or take a mental note. It can be quite surprising to learn what makes you actually happy rather than what you think makes you happy.
  3. Practicing Gratitude. Gratitude is the practice of eliminating distraction and compelling your mind to hone in on only the positives of life and, consequently, expressing a deep appreciation for them both in your mind and in the physical world, either through thanks or whatnot. Spiritual freedom is anchored on the acknowledgment that there is a subtle karmic connection between everything, which helps individuals focus more on what can be improved than what can be acquired. Take a few minutes every day to be reflective on what good things have happened or what good things can be gained. Jot them all down in a journal, if possible, or take a mental note. It can be quite surprising to learn what makes you actually happy rather than what you think makes you happy.

For a better understanding of rediscovering human wisdom in this chaotic world, learn more about author Chet Shupe’s class on that very subject. 

10 Key Universal Principles of Spiritual Awakening

Photo by Yuting Gao

The principles of spiritual awakening may differ; each person may experience it differently and in a different time or place. 

Some people can recognize the principles of spiritual awakening because they welcome and embrace this realization into their lives. Enlightenment is overwhelming, and some might fear the changes it brings into a person’s mind. It is not your usual everyday thoughts when you only think about going to work and what you must do. Awakening and waking up are different things. It is realizing and knowing the existence of our inner selves. Our existence is beyond our ego; it is our purpose and place in the universe, the oneness with everything and everyone.

Chet Shupe’s book, “Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature,” was showcased at the 2023 London Book Fair. The book enlightens readers about the origins of human evolution, the impact of civilization, and our disconnection from nature and spirituality. Chet Shupe writes about a civilization on inner peace of Rediscovering the Wisdom. It emphasizes the importance of reconnecting with our spiritual essence for true happiness and fulfillment amidst the challenges of modern life.

Spiritual awakening

Spiritual awakening refers to a profound shift in consciousness, where individuals experience a heightened sense of self-awareness and a deeper connection with their inner being and the universe. It involves transcending the limitations of the ego and recognizing the interconnectedness of all life. During this transformative process, individuals may undergo profound insights, inner peace, and a sense of purpose beyond the material realm. Spiritual awakening often leads to greater compassion, mindfulness, and a desire for personal growth and understanding of the spiritual aspects of life. It is a journey of self-discovery, awakening to a higher level of consciousness and spiritual truth.

Universal Principles of Spiritual Awakening


The first step towards spiritual awakening is self-awareness. It involves delving deep within, exploring the inner landscape, and recognizing the divine essence within oneself. This realization opens the door to profound growth and understanding. There are some theories regarding the nothingness of self and everything. It is an overwhelming thought, but people who understand the void on a deeper level embrace the view, which makes the idea of death and letting go easier.


Practicing mindfulness involves living in the present moment without judgment. By being fully present, individuals can experience the beauty and richness of life, breaking free from the shackles of the past and worries about the future. If we do not recognize that we are living for today, for every moment, we will wear ourselves out thinking about what we should do tomorrow or what we could have done yesterday.


Gratitude is a powerful spiritual practice that fosters a sense of appreciation for life’s blessings, big and small. It shifts the focus from lack to abundance, cultivating a positive outlook and attracting positivity into one’s life. Appreciating the little things in life is an awakening by thinking more positively. Sometimes we tend to believe that everything is a problem or only see the wrong side of a person. Appreciating our parents and loved ones is a way to embrace spirituality.  


Developing compassion towards oneself and others is a cornerstone of spiritual awakening. By empathizing with the struggles and joys of others, individuals embrace interconnectedness and contribute to a more harmonious world. Later in life, we realize it is not about us, what we want, or how much we earn. This world involves all of us, and we should help each other to be happy. If we constantly complain about the system without helping others, the system will only change if we change ourselves.


Letting go of the need for control and surrendering to the flow of life is liberating. Trusting in a higher power or universal intelligence brings peace and acceptance, even amidst uncertainty. Someone once said that it is not that you only live once; you only die once. It is essential to accept that death is a part of life.


Forgiveness is a transformative act of releasing past hurts and grievances. It frees the heart from bitterness and resentment, paving the way for healing and personal growth.


Recognizing the interconnectedness of all beings and the universe dismantles the illusion of separateness. This realization leads to a profound unity and reverence for all creation.


Regular meditation practice is a gateway to inner peace and spiritual insights. Through quieting the mind, individuals gain clarity and access to higher levels of consciousness.


Engaging in selfless acts of service and kindness uplifts others and the one who serves. It is a potent way to express love and compassion in action.


Love is the essence of spirituality. Embracing love in all forms – self-love, unconditional love for others, and divine love – nurtures the soul and opens the heart to transformative experiences.

Avoiding Pain and Stunting Emotional Growth

Photo by Engin Akyurt

How is it possible that the more we try to avoid pain, the more it hurts? Why should we stop running from it when it’s one thing we want to steer clear of?

You might have experienced being at the lowest point of your life for the past few years. Those moments make you question your life in general. What more could be lacking, even for people with everything they need?

There are moments when we hit a level of vulnerability we’ve never experienced. We feel like a failure even though waves of happiness can be felt from time to time. This causes us to look for more ways to alleviate the pain. But the emptiness will catch up to us even if we try new things like getting a new job, new partner, new hobbies, etc.

If you’re caught up in a situation like that, rediscovering the wisdom of human nature and our spiritual freedom can be suitable for people who have constantly been running from their fears. While avoiding pain may be great, it won’t go away soon. And the insightful honesty of Chet Shupe’s book fits just like that. The Spiritual Freedom Press can guide you in navigating the fearsome path of life. Avoiding pain is only temporary, but it’s not the only solution.

How long must we keep avoiding pain?

In all honesty, no one knows. Everyone struggles with pain, and reactions often vary depending on the gravity of the situation. There’s not enough wisdom to singlehandedly take the pain away from us. Time won’t fly, making us paralyzed by it. So if one asks that question, the answers would vary and won’t make sense.

It’s also natural for humans to seek pleasure to avoid pain. No one likes to carry on with an aching heart. This instinct is hard-wired into our subconscious, and we are shaped around it. Undeniably, we are all inclined toward safety rather than confronting the hurt. However, moving along a path with the least resistance will get us nowhere. It even comes with worse consequences.

What do we learn from pain?

All of us want to grow at some point. But we intentionally forget that pain is part of growth and the catalyst of change. Without experiencing it, we fail to learn what matters most, eventually destroying our happiness. We won’t be as capable and enduring in the long run. Humans are conditioned to avoid pain; confronting it sometimes feels like an unfamiliar concept.

Our thoughts are often full of wanting everything to be enough. If only we achieve that in all aspects, we believe life can be pain-free. The problems we’re trying to escape from would still pop up somewhere else, most likely on a slippery slope. By continuing the same path, we develop a relationship with avoidance. It makes us alienated from the world the more we side with it.

Numbing the terrible pain is understandable. But our ultimate survival lies in our choice to face the pain head-on. Our troubles resemble dark clouds – circling and hovering as it follows us. We can only swat it off when we learn to develop tolerance. That’s because there are excruciating moments that we have to live with for a lifetime.

Lessons from a cruel fate of avoiding pain

It’s never easy to let ourselves be vulnerable and feel the pain. Despite being transitory, the hurtful moments in our lives can be a turning point that changes us entirely. We become different from what we used to be, affecting our relationships and potential for growth. Looking for our old selves will take us an indefinite amount of time, and most likely, we’re still trying to find it. So it’s okay. You’re not wrong for enduring that long, especially when you felt alone or lonely the whole time.

Cruel is the pain that has legs that can run and wings that fly towards us wherever we go. When going through it, there’s a feeling that there won’t be any help. After all, the world has taught us that it’s every man for himself. Our judgment gets clouded when our world splits down the middle, making it hard to find closure. All those wounds won’t be stitched up anytime soon.

We can run, but here’s the catch: avoiding pain never meant that we could hide. And so we run from the things that cause us more hurt. Avoiding pain also means circling in the middle of nowhere until we think we feel nothing anymore. However, not making it go away leads to more ruin. Not even the typical distractions can help long-term. By exerting effort to confront our pain, there lies the strength that’s been hiding the whole time.